Tuesday, March 22, 2011

One, Two, Skip a Few, Welcome to Advanced French!

           Today, we are told by teachers, employers, people who have done it in the past, or pretty much just anybody that studying abroad or visiting a different country is one of the most fulfilling experiences to get out of life. I think it’s safe to say that everyone who has ever gone to a different country (at least one that speaks a native language other than English) can say that they’ve experienced culture shock. What about those of us that have experienced culture shock in our own countries?
            What do I mean by that? I’ve been taking French classes since I was in the sixth grade – basically the first time they ever told us we needed to take a language. I’ve had an interest in the French language since I saw a photo of the Eiffel Tower. I decided to continue taking French classes to fulfill my RIT liberal arts minor, and after a series of hectic and confusing events I was kicked out of my Intermediate French II class and placed into the Advanced French III class, or the highest class that the Institute offers.
            I dreaded my first class, spending the entire 110 minutes stiffly pinned back on my chair, fumbling with my fingers out of nerves – needless to say, my posture had never been better.  
            At the end of the class, I had every possible worry going through my head – from stressing about the grade I could get in the class to wondering if I could remember even the simplest of words in the French language.
            After class I spoke to the teacher and explained to her my fears and she told me that I must not worry about translating every single word. She told me to focus on understanding the majority of the content and I would get through the class just fine.
            I decided to take this as an opportunity to really extend my knowledge of French and take an interest in the differences of French and American culture. For the remainder of the next ten weeks, I look forward to evaluating my progress and my gradual comfort in the class, hoping to get used to a different culture in one classroom.

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