Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Exercise and the Language of Love

            In the first quarter of my sophomore year I took a Turbo Kick fitness class. After the quarter ended I asked the instructor for some exercises to do for the following quarter, since I wouldn’t be taking another fitness class at that time. As a beginner working with weights, I started with three pounds. Throughout the few months, three pounds got too easy. As I tried to move up to five-pound weights, it was too hard. I was stuck in the middle.
            Over the past three weeks that’s how I’ve come to feel about my French class. Intermediate classes are too easy; advanced classes are too hard. The tough part is realizing which place I should really be. Do you push yourself to compensate for the gap in comprehension, or do you belittle your knowledge and take it easy and coast?
            I believe that several optimists would argue that it’s more important for the experience and the development in language to shoot high and take everything you can out of it.  I can’t say I disagree with them. For now, even though it’s not the easiest class, it’s hard to say that any bad will come out of it unless my GPA takes a turn for the worse. If that’s the case then I have a decision to make: try another advanced French class, or step down and complete my French minor with an intermediate level course. I don’t think it’s a decision I can make until I’m further progressed into the quarter, but it’s definitely something to be thinking about over the next few weeks.
            Although it seems to be a situation that can only be evaluated in hindsight, I can only trust that my time in this class is only beneficial to my French proficiency and I’ve gotta give it what I can until the quarter is through. If worse comes to worst – it’s just one class of many in my college career.

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